Saturday, March 27, 2010

Does this guy need a haircut or what?

Well before we look at my intended route, for those of you who have not seen me for a while, will be shocked, yes shocked I say to see my normal grade 2 haircut spiked with gel has grown a little since it was last cut at the end of October 2009.

About time too...

Firstly, though I started out on this little adventure in Cairo on 24 February 2010 and have taken more point and click photos than I care to remember, I've still not got around to writing some sort of blog/photo blog. I don't intend to bore you all with every little detail of life on the road, but from time to time to put up a few pics and a few comments to give a very brief insight into some of the places and people along the way. I have set myself a flexible time limit (bit of an oxymoron I know) to do this trip in around five months, setting out from Cairo on 24 Feb 10 and while I am conscious of rushing through, the journey is as important as visiting every site in a guide book. I have wanted to do this sort of overland trip for many years and since I came across this quote in my early 20's, I've always savoured the journey as much as the destination and I know many travellers will share the sentiment.

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move; to feel the needs and hitches of our life more nearly; to come down off this feather-bed of civilisation, and find the globe granite underfoot and strewn with cutting flints." -- Robert Louis Stevenson

I apologise in advance for the spelling typos that I create when sitting in a smoky internet cafe, or where I've forgotten that the keyboard is not a western style one or where that letter e really needs a hammer to use it because the person before me spilt there ten-sugar syrupy coffee on the keyboard. I apologise for the dodgy photography, for the blurry shots from my trusted but simple little camera. Video on my camera is at best grainy and at worst tooth pullingly painful to watch, and having now seen the Kodak Z18 HD pocket camera in action, am regretting not having bought it. I apologise if I bore you with inane drivel, but alas i will also look back on this little snapshot summary of my trip in years to come and cringe with you.

So, from one of the few functioning coffee-nets in Tehran (why it is called a coffee-net, I don't know because there is no sight of anything to drink and I'm parched), I end the first little update and hopefully the next one will give you an idea of that flexible route I hope to follow...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Coming sometime soon...

Started out in Cairo 24 Feb 2010.
As at 15 March, in Beirut.
Hoping to get this blog up and running soon!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010